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Information Technology and Nonprofits

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Research & Resources > Information Technology and Nonprofits

Information Technology and Nonprofits


. Benetech, develops and uses technology to create positive social change.

. National Center for Charitable Statistics, clearinghouse of data on the nonprofit sector in the U. S.

. Net Action, comprehensive guide to Internet outreach and advocacy...

. OnPhilanthropy, global resource for non-profit, philanthropy and corporate social engagement...

. Tactical Tech, an organisation dedicated to the use of information in activism.

. Tech Soup, provides technology products and information geared specifically to the unique challenges faced by nonprofits and libraries...

. The Nonprofit Matrix, online guide to ASPs and internet portal providers for the nonprofit sector...

., general news and articles about technology...


Hardware, Software and Web-based Solutions for Nonprofits


.Adobe, online resource about using technology in a nonprofit setting

.CFLeads, tools advancing community leadership work

.CTCNet: Community Technology Center's Network, dedicated to reducing the digital divide

.FileMaker Non-Profit, solutions for managing fundraising, programs, and volunteers

.SurveyGizmo, online survey software and web survey tool

.TechSoup Global, distributes product donations from tech firms


Giving Through Online Shopping, Auction, Click-to-donate


.Ebase, free database software designed for nonprofit organizations

.Efile Form 990, online tax return preparation and filing for non-profits, online shopping portal