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Programs > Donor Research Project



Final Report of the Donor Research Project


PATHWAYS FOR CHANGE: Philanthropy Among African American, Asian American, and Latino Donors in the New York Metropolitan Region.

.Executive Summary

.Full report.



The Donor Research Project, sponsored by the Coalition for New Philanthropy in New York and The Ford Foundation, analyzed information and attitudes about philanthropy in communities of color, and among women. The research objectives were:

. To examine contemporary giving patterns and motivations of donors in communities of color; that is, how do individuals decide how and where to contribute, and what do they hope to accomplish with their contributions?

. To understand how nonprofit organizations can reach potential donors more effectively.

. To explore the relationship between donor motivation, social conditions, and nonprofit fundraising campaigns over time.

In addition to compiling an extensive literature review and analyses of census and other demographic data, the research team conducted 200 interviews with donors in communities of color and among women, and gather information from nonprofit organization staff.


Stages of Research

. Literature Review: The literature review set the stage for current research and provided nonprofit organization partners with updates on findings and insights from scholars, practitioners, and market researchers.

. Quantitative Overview of Demographic and Economic Data: Analyses of census and housing data outlined characteristics of communities of color in the New York City metropolitan region.

. Interviews with Donors and Professional Intermediaries: Direct communication with donors and professional intermediaries served as a keystone in understanding donors’ motivations for giving, as well as their future goals and objectives.

. Focus Group Meetings with Nonprofit Organizations: This stage of the research, along with the interviews, allowed researchers to develop profiles of historical giving patterns and related motivations for giving.


Literature Reviews (PDF)

.Latino Philanthropy Review

.African American Philanthropy Review
