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Multicultural Philanthropy Curriculum Guide

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Publications > Multicultural Philanthropy Curriculum Guides

About the Multicultural Philanthropy Curriculum Guides


Giving and voluntarism are deeply ingrained traditions in American life, yet most of the curricula at colleges and universities overlook the importance of philanthropic activities, or portray them as the exclusive province of elites. To remedy this, the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society developed a series of curriculum guides to examine the ways in which a variety of groups have used their gifts of time and money to build nonprofit institutions, forge public/private partnerships, promote social and legislative change, and participate in public policymaking.

.List of Current Curriculum Guides

Fourteen undergraduate and graduate curricula focus on different groups, including (among others) African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, Eastern Europeans, Middle Easterners, women, and different religious groups.

Drawing upon the methodologies and interests of the historical and social sciences, each guide will consist of individual lecture units with content summaries, questions for discussion and suggested bibliographies.

The curriculum guides are useful both in their entirety, and as individual units which may be selected to integrate the study of philanthropy and voluntarism into existing courses. Included are undergraduate and graduate materials, as well as several extesion-level course guides which draw on the needs and concerns of the nonprofit community.

The guides are part of the Multicultural Curriculum Development Project funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

The guides are available in PDF.

Printed and bound volumes of most of the guides are available.

To order please send an e-mail to indicating the titles and quantity as well as mailing address, so that we may quote you a price including shipping and handling.