Community Foundations: A Vehicle to Endorse and

Sustain Local Development Processes Taking Place in Colonia, Uruguay?

Fabiana Hernández-Abreu, Emerging Leader, International Fellows Program ~ 2007


Abstract: The paper defines community foundations as public grantmaking organizations that seek to improve the quality of life of the population from a specific geographic area. Based on this concept of community foundations, Ms. Trevisan seeks to analyze how communications in these institutions can be used to build transparency, trust and sustainability. She also examines how communications can be most effectively employed to help community foundations achieve their goals and increase their impact. 


She concludes that:

  • Community foundations issue publications and annual reports, and maintain websites at a higher rate            then other types of foundations;
  • Communication is driven by competition in the sector;
  • Because community foundations are guardians of community resources, they need to operate openly            and keep donors and potential donors, grantees and community representatives informed of their          actions, programs and impacts.



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