Youth in Philanthropy: Youth Civic Engagement through the Work of Community Foundations

Vadim Samorodov, Emerging Leader, International Fellows Program ~ 2004





Vadim Samorodov explores the ways that select US community foundations play leadership roles and how these practices might be translated to fit the circumstances of contemporary Russia.

Using Community Foundation Silicon Valley (CFSV) as a case study, Mr. Samorodov makes the following recommendations for Russia 's Community Foundations:


•    Establish partnerships with professional advisors as a means to attract a wide variety of local donors;

•    Encourage national CF networks and support organizations to partner with national and global financial institutions;

•    Engage donors in community programs by providing them with networking opportunities to discuss community issues, see program results first hand, and share their entrepreneurial skills with local grantee organizations;

•    Raise funds for both donor-advised programs and pools of unrestricted funds;

•    Educate business on the importance of a strong civil society.


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